Friday, March 2, 2012

the will of a puppeteer

Have you ever felt so sad that your whole body reacted in the most unusual way?

Last month was particularly devastating for me. I say "devastating" because my reaction was unusual. I've been sad before; correction, i have felt sadness a lot of times. My usual reaction is something common for all people who have been sad- lack or gain of appetite, sleep loss or excess sleep, crying, anger, etc. I'm sure, a lot would agree that they have been in a similar situation.

Last month I got bad news. And for the first time in my life did I feel that I lost the will to move.

Yup. It was different for me. I know I was thinking, and I know I wanted to move. But somehow my limbs were lifeless. I am not even sure if I was blinking. I was just staring on the screen. For a moment, I believe I stopped breathing. Until I realized I had to do something- maybe it's the lack of oxygen or the ridiculous state I was in, but I know I just had to break away from this paralysis. My mind, like a puppeteer, moved my puppet arms to reach for my phone and send a text message to my roommate. My only thought then was I should start moving! And I did.

This seems like a simple shock for most people. But my point is, the brain is a powerful organ. The energy it releases can both destroy and make a person.

Maybe it is true. Everything is all in the mind. And the rest just follows. The mind chooses you. The mind wills you. The mind moves you. I am his puppet.

March 1, 2012

"Master of puppets, I'm pulling your strings, twisting your mind, and smashing your dreams"

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