Tuesday, July 10, 2012

health from the eyes of a citizen

“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”--- World Health Organization

The 1978 Alma Ata Declaration stresses the importance of health as an essential human right. It also recognizes the existence of inequalities in health, especially between developed and developing countries.

figment of my imagination


i can feel your face
but i can't touch your skin.
i can hear your voice,
but i cannot see your lips.
i'm enchanted by your scent,
even when there's nothing i can smell.
i'm awed by your words,
even when you haven't spoken a thing.
i long for your embrace,
but you're nowhere around me.
i long for your presence,
but you are unreal.

October 4, 2006
